Pietta Remington 1858 Competition Black Powder Revolver .44cal Nitro Conversion

Pietta Remington 1858 Competition Black Powder Revolver .44cal Nitro Conversion 


Pietta Remington 1858 Competition Black Powder Revolver .44cal. The first true reproduction of the original Remington New Model Army. Built to the exact dimensions, weight and grip shape of the original. The pistol features a superbly machined 20cm barrel with 5 land progressive rifling, which makes it a high precision performer on the black powder shooting range. It features a blued frame barrel and cylinder and silver plated brass trigger guard and oil finished walnut grips.

This is a superb condition second hand revolver that has a nitro powder conversion. It uses 4.3 grains of Unique with a 200 grain bullet. It uses shotshell primers. A lovely clean way to shoot a muzzle loading revolver with one of the finest reproduction revolvers produced. Included is a new Lee Bullet Double Cavity bullet mould .456-220-1R

Overall length 35cms, weight 1.5kg.


Manufacturer: Pietta

** Ammunition, Firearms and any Licensed components are not available to order online. Due to current Firearms Legislation these items are collection only and can only be purchased upon production of the necessary Firearms Permits. If you would like to purchase this item then please contact us on info@guntopia.hu or call +36 30 304 3036 **





Stock Number:


375 750 Ft

Pietta Remington 1858 Competition Black Powder Revolver .44cal Nitro Conversion


Manufactured in Italy by Pietta. If you think about replicas of historical high quality arms, Pietta is certainly the reference name for all industry fans. Established in the 1960s and still run by the Pietta family. The commercial success of Pietta lays on the quality of the replicas, guaranteed by continuous and substantial investments aimed at maintaining and improving exceptionally high production quality.

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