RPP Henry Big Boy Upgraded One Piece Firing Pin (357 mag, 44 mag, 45 colt)

RPP Henry Big Boy Upgraded One Piece Firing Pin (357 mag, 44 mag, 45 colt)


RPP Henry Big Boy Upgraded One Piece Firing Pin (357 mag, 44 mag, 45 colt). Our friend Nick Johnson aka @_PewView_, the incredible pro shooter, informed us a while back that in the course of shooting his Henry Big Boy rifle he’d broken a firing pin. And because he shoots A LOT, it happened more than once. Trouble is, Henry rifles have to go back to the factory for a replacement firing pin. That’s down time. Serious shooters hate down time, and parts failure. So Ranger Point decided to address the problem. Now the firing pin is, well, bullet proof.

Here are the bullets in the proof:

  • Improved geometry for greater fracture resistance.

  • Improved material (17-4 H900) for brute strength.

  • Exact OEM dimensions for a drop in fit; Perfect for your emergency spares kit.

  • Fits only late model (since Spring 2023) Henry Big Boys with one piece firing pins. DOES NOT FIT ANY TWO PIECE FIRING PIN BOLTS.

  • Comes with Ranger Point’s legendary support and product warranty

  • Perfect for your emergency spares kit.


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23 950 Ft

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Henry Big Boy Upgraded One Piece Firing Pin (357 mag, 44 mag, 45 colt)


PewView Power Firing Pin for Henry Big Boy:Our friend Nick Johnson aka @_PewView_, the incredible pro shooter, informed us a while back that in the course of shooting his Henry Big Boy rifle he’d broken a firing pin. And because he shoots A LOT, it happened more than once.No more down time ::Henry rifles have to go back to the factory for a replacement firing pin. That’s down time. Serious shooters hate down time, and parts failure. So Ranger Point decided to address the problem.Now the firing pin is, well, bullet proof. Here are the bullets in the proof::Improved geometry for greater fracture resistance and material (17-4 H900) for brute strength; Exact OEM dimensions for a drop in fit; Perfect for your emergency spares kit.

FITS:Late model (since Spring 2023) Henry Big Boys in .357 mag, 44 mag, 45 colt w/ one piece firing pins.

DOES NOT FIT ANY TWO-PIECE FIRING PIN BOLTS. (click through photos to see bolt photos)

DOES NOT FIT ANY TWO PIECE FIRING PIN BOLTS.:You can't put a one-piece firing pin in a bolt designed for a two-piece pin.


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