Berger 30 Caliber 185 Grain Very Low Drag (VLD) Hunting Rifle Bullet

Berger 30 Caliber 185 Grain Very Low Drag (VLD) Hunting Rifle Bullet


Berger 30 Caliber 185 Grain Very Low Drag (VLD) Hunting Rifle Bullet. The Berger VLD Hunting Rifle Bullet is one of the flattest shooting hunting Rifle Bullets in the industry. VLD Hunting Rifle Bullets are identical in design to VLD Target Rifle Bullets except utilize a thinner J4 Precision jacket for rapid expansion during game applications. VLD Hunting bullets are designed to penetrate 2-3″ into the vitals and then begin to expand and create a massive wound cavity up to 15″. This delivers maximum organ/tissue damage and extreme hydrostatic shock aiding in an ethical kill. VLD Hunting Rifle Bullets incoporate a secant ogive design which allows the Rifle Bullet to experience less drag as it travels to the target. This reduced drag is why the VLD shoots flatter, experiences less wind-drift, and has a higher retained velocity than all others. A favorite load technique for the VLD’s is touching the rifling for single-shot applications, although some rifles may prefer as much as .150″ from the rifling. Berger VLD Hunting Rifle Bullets are extremely popular for long range hunting applications. Built with highly consistent J4 Precision Rifle Bullet jackets, most favored by custom Rifle Bullet makers.


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Berger 30 Caliber 185 Grain Very Low Drag (VLD) Hunting Rifle Bullet



100ct Part # 30513
100ct Box Weight 2.74
100ct Box Dimensions 3.4 x 3.4 x 1.7
100ct MSRP 74.99
Caliber 30 Caliber
Bullet Weight 185 Grain
Product Line VLD Hunting
G1 BC 0.558
G7 BC 0.286
G7 Form Factor 0.976
Minimum Twist (or faster) 1:12"
Ogive Style Secant (VLD)
Base Style Boat Tail
Jacket J4 Hunting Jacket
Sectional Density 0.279
Bullet Dia. 0.308
OAL 1.366
Base to Ogive 0.661
Nose Length 0.759
Bearing Surface 0.393
Boat Tail Length 0.214



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