Nite Ize Knotbone Lacelock – 2 pack

Nite Ize Knotbone Lacelock – 2 pack


Nite Ize Knotbone Lacelock – 2 pack. The NITE IZE® KnotBone LaceLock is great for when you need your shoe laces to stay tied, and you can’t spare the time or the effort to re-tie them. Now you can avoid tripping or stumbling when you go to tie your shoes because, with NITE IZE’s KnotBone LaceLock, you don’t have to. The way it works is, first, you tighten your laces, then you wrap your laces around the top plastic lock and, finally, you fasten the little locks. You’re all set with just three basic, easy-to-perform steps. You’ll be on your way in no time, and your laces will stay totally secure with this unique product. The KnotBone is for any age at all, and anyone with lace-up shoes can enjoy its benefits; however, the KnotBone can definitely potentially improve athletes’ performance also, whether at events, like, for example, marathons and other types of races, or during a casual activity like jogging. The NITE IZE KnotBone LaceLock comes with two KnotBone LaceLocks and two lace caps included.


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Nite Ize Knotbone Lacelock - 2 pack


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